Good Food or Just Good Eats

antioxidants in food


There are Millions of Food personalities out there, and the best way to get more acquainted with them is to tune in to one of the many Food TV programs on TV. Over the last 20 years we have seen the food industry evolve from a simple street vendor to a multi-million dollar industry. This growth is not only in packaged goods but also in the ingredients and food itself. Today there are thousands of TV channels that specialize in food. Just think, when you want to watch a show about cooking, and all you get is this silent background music. Where is the exciting, the laughter? The fun? Oh, I’m sure many of us have forgotten what it is like to enjoy being alive and healthy.

Maybe, if we’re-course garnered and grooved our hearts and minds and simple food practices, we might get back our health. For example, curing people of diabetes,arthritis and diabetes… and building muscle. There are many ways to use food to support our health. But I want to talk to you, Mr. or Mrs. Organic Explorer. Are there ways to use food to support your immune system?

First, we should look at the FACTS about food and immunity. On the surface, it may look like honey is bad for you. But when you get deeper and look into the history of this sweet glaze, you may be surprised to learn why some people prefer it over chocolate and other sugars. Honey has high antioxidant content. Antioxidants are required to counter free radical damage. Free radicals are cells that have free oxygen in them. Free radicals when oxidized destroy cells by producing peroxides, which turns healthy cells into cancerous cells. Antioxidants prevent such reactions by ensuring that free radicals do not attack healthy cells. Following is a list of some of the antioxidants found in various foods and the effects they have on our immune system.

A major conclusion that can be drawn from these studies is that individuals who are exposed to antioxidant foods have a higher chance of developing better immune system. Although there is still a lot of research to be done, it certainly appears that antioxidants can give the body the boost it needs to fight off illnesses and infections.

What antioxidants are found in foods?


Are primarily found in fresh, canned, frozen and make juices. They are rich in antioxidants including lutein, beta carotene, zeaxanthin and anthocyanins•ools are rich in different antioxidants including Echinacea, vitamin C, beta carotene and vitamin K•oria de coco (coconut milk)• Is full of proteins and calcium, it also contains casein and other proteins as well as organic acids, fatty acids, vitamin A and vitamin E


The broccoli are great for weight loss. They are rich in glucosinolates which fight cancer, lower cholesterol and fat levels, and anti-oxidants including chlorophyll and Romulaceae (Romulaceae includes onions, garlic, celery, buchreens, kale, swiss chard and turnip greens).• The juice of broccoli is said to increase the serotonin and endorphin levels in the brain, thus helping to relieve depression• The hot water extract of broccoli is used in somestein enzyme systemically for treating endometriosis and degeneration of intestine pericardiacuits.


Rich in anti-oxidants and calcium, cinnamon is used in food for diabetics• It has been used to treat hyperkinetics such as caffeine craving, tiredness, and stress.


Agencies of the neurological system, such as the endocrine and parasympathetic, have been found to be regulated by the gingerols contained in ginger. Studies indicate that the endocrine system is particularly influenced by the gingerols which determine whether or not hormones are produced, and also determine the sensitivity to insulin of the pancreatic juice and the duodenal.• The deficiency of gingerols has been noted in conditions such as diabetes, liver, and gallbladder stones, and in atherosclerosis.

The educative value of ginger is a fundamental question because the ginger originates from the same family as cardamom and cinnamon. And it’s such a closely related group of plant that the result of such a group evolutionary branching is thrown into doubt.

Ginger in any form is a stimulant and preservative, and its essential use in the kitchen is secured by the fact that it preserves well, grows well, and yield beautifully when cooked.

The pungent odour of ginger is due to the presence of non-volatile Ethyl alcohols along with lesser amounts of other glycol ethers in the extract.

Ginger in its natural form is a cold dry seasoning that was used by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans for many centuries in helping with smoke design in their buildings.


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